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Audioguide en anglais

The Once upon a fort exhibition recounts a 170 years history of the Fort d’Aubervilliers. A symbol in the mind of Albertivillarians , the fort tells a rich and unusual tale that is part of the area since its origins.
Among the fortifications designed in the 1840s to defend Paris, the fort is located between Aubervilliers and Pantin. Its military activity is intense during the Franco-Prussian war and the two world wars. However, without any significant defensive role, it becomes an important military logistics hub before being used for miscellaneous civilian activities.

Military life at the Fort d’Aubervilliers
Defending the capital

1870-1871, from war to Prussian occupation

From defensive work to materiel management

From military to civilian use

The fort in the heart of the city

A territory that calls for innovation
The university hospital

La Cité des Arts

The velodrome

« Le train sifflera deux fois »

L’auberge espagnole
Community gardens

The Hugel gendarmerie


A lively place



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